号外!号外!在这周呢,我们搜刮到了几台状况非常不错的二手车哦~是二手车,不是事故车哦!! 有Proton Preve, Proton Inspira, Tata Xenon, Toyota HiAce 以及 Canycom Grabber B1401!! 只需要稍微整理一下就可以了!!都是来自私人卖家的哦,整修后割名、转名都没问题!! 其他的车款还陆续有来哦~ 有兴趣就快快到我们的网站上注册成为我们的会员吧!!走过,路过, 别错过哦~ 买到赚到! 竞标日期:2023年11月22日(星期三)至2023年11月24日(星期五),下午2时。 欲知更多详情,请浏览我们的官网 www.hanamaruauction.my 或联络至 +603-6413 4692/ +6012-7340870。 HELLOO!! For this week we have source few very fine used condition vehicle which are ready to auction on our website!! It’s used car, used car~~ There’s Proton Preve, Proton […]


Hanamaru Auction: Online Tender for 21st October Starts Now!

今天是星期五了啦,我们将在今天开跑本周的线上投标活动! Hanamaru Auction 在本期准备了奔驰E300, 丰田Yaris, 本田HR-V, 丰田Vios,Volkswagen Passat, Bison Savanna Pick Up, Perodua Bezza, 日产罗里与其他的车款让各位竞标! 而且还有一台车况不错的二手奥迪A6!!! 竞标日期:2022年10月21日(星期五)至2022年10月26日(星期三),下午2时。 欲知更多详情,请浏览我们的官网 www.hanamaruauction.my 或联络至 +603-6413 4692/ +6012-7340870。 Today is Friday, so we are going to start this week’s online tender from today! Hanamaru Auction had prepared Mercedes Benz E300, Toyota Vios, Honda HR-V, Toyota Yaris,  Volkswagen Passat, Bison Savanna […]


Hanamaru Auction: Online Tender for 7th October Starts Now!

今天是星期五了啦,我们将在今天开跑本周的线上投标活动! Hanamaru Auction 在本期准备了宝马330E,丰田Hilux, 本田HR-V,本田Jazz,丰田Vios, 丰田Yaris, 日产Serena, 丰田Camry, Yamaha 摩多,  Perodua Myvi, Proton Saga, Scania罗里与其他的车款让各位竞标! 一切都尽在官网 www.hanamaruauction.my, 今天就到这里参与竞标吧! 竞标日期:2022年10月7日(星期五)至2022年10月12日(星期三),下午2时。 欲知更多详情,请浏览我们的官网 www.hanamaruauction.my 或联络至 +6012-7340870。 Today is Friday, so we are going to start this week’s online tender from today! Hanamaru Auction had prepared BMW 330E, Toyota Hilux, Toyota Vios, Toyota Yaris, Honda, HR-V, Honda Jazz, Nissan Serena, Toyota […]


Hanamaru Auction: Online Tender for 21st May Starts Now!

在来临的周末该做什么好呢!?不妨到我们网站 www.hanamaruauction.my 查看本期正在举行线上投标会里的车子吧! 这一期我们将拍卖哪款车子呢?我们将在本周开始拍卖 现代Tucson, 本田City, 本田 思域, Perodua Myvi, 丰田Forklift ,Scania 罗里以及更多的事故车! 竞标日期:2021年5月21日(星期五)至2021年5月26日(星期三),中午12时。 欲知更多详情,请浏览我们的官网 www.hanamaruauction.my 或联络至 +603-6413 4698/ +6012-7340870。 What to do in the coming weekend?!Why not visit our website www.hanamaruauction.my to check vehicles that are in online tender for this week! Which vehicles we are going to have online tender? We will have […]


Hanamaru Auction: Online Tender for 5th March Starts Now!

我们祝大家有个愉快的周末,并在这段疫情期间保持卫生与减少出门! Hanamaru Auction将在官网 www.hanamaruauction.my 开跑本周的线上投标会! 在本期,我们将会拍卖 丰田Vellfire ,宝马730i,本田HRV,丰田Vios,丰田Camry,日产X-Trail与其他的车辆,走过路过都别错过! 竞标日期:2021年3月5日(星期五)至2021年3月10日(星期三),中午12时。 欲知更多详情,请浏览我们的官网 www.hanamaruauction.my 或联络至 +603-2715 0870 / +6012-7340870。 We wish everyone having a great weekend, stay hygiene and stay safe during this pandemic! Hanamaru Auction are going to start this week’s online tender in our website www.hanamaruauction.my ! We will have online tender for BMW 730i, Toyota […]


Hanamaru Auction: Online Tender for 18th Dec Starts now!

在来临的周末该做什么好呢?不妨到我们网站 www.hanamaruauction.my 查看本期正在举行线上投标会里的车子吧!这一期我们将拍卖哪款车子呢?我们将在本周开始拍卖宝马X5,日产X-Trail,丰田Fortuner,丰田Avanza以及更多的事故车!竞标日期?:2020年12月18日(星期五)至2020年12月23日(星期三),中午12时。欲知更多详情,请浏览我们的官网 www.hanamaruauction.my 或联络至 +603-2715 0870 / +6012-7340870。 What to do in this coming weekend? Why not visit our website www.hanamaruauction.my to check vehicles that are in online tender for this week? ?Which vehicles we are going to have online tender? We will have online tender for BMW X5, Nissan X-Trail, Toyota Fortuner, Toyota […]


Hanamaru Auction Malaysia & Japan

亲爱的大家,我们很高兴通知Hanamaru Auction马来西亚和日本网站现在可以浏览。快来注册成为我们的会员,享受特殊的特权和好处。登录马来西亚拍卖网站 www.hanamaruauction.my 和日本拍卖网站 www.hanamaru870.jp 并在我们的网站上注册以获取更多信息和详细信息。快来加入我们,参加我们本周即将举行的最新拍卖!!!??? Dear All,We are excited to inform that Hanamaru Auction website Malaysia & Japan able to browse now. Come and register with us as members and enjoy special privileges and benefits.Log in to www.hanamaruauction.my for Malaysia auction site and www.hanamaru870.jpfor Japan auction site and register in our website for more information and details.Come and join us in […]


Hanamaru Auction Notice during MCO

Following with the latest announcement by our Prime Minister, with regarding of Movement Control Order, we will extend the period for temporarily closing of operating department until 14th April 2020. In the same time, Hanamaru Auction Malaysia decide to provide few solutions for current situation: Q: Does Hanamaru Auction Malaysia online auction will be continued […]


Hanamaru Auto Trading (M) Sdn Bhd

Hi, We are Hanamaru Auto Trading (M) Sdn Bhd. Our auction website provides accident car, half cuts, engine and gearbox. If you are interested, you may visit our auction website at http://www.hanamaruauction.my to sign up for an account. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any doubts. Thank you. 您好,我们是Hanamaru Auto Trading (M) Sdn Bhd。我们的拍卖网站有提供事故车,半切,引擎还有牙箱。我们想邀请您加入成为我们的会员。如果您有兴趣的话,可以去到我们的拍卖网站上注册户口 http://www.hanamaruauction.my 。如果您有任何疑问也可以随时与我们联系。谢谢 […]